I’m a Designer driven to solve challenging problems through creativity, empathy, and thoughtful design.
I believe great design is about building with people, not just for them. I bring thoughtful ideas to life—from shaping product strategies and simplifying workflows to refining details that make digital spaces feel intuitive and welcoming.Welcome to my corner of the Web! Here's a sample of my adventures in design.

Meta + the W3C
Advocating for accessibility fixes in assistive technologies and browsers by evaluating how consistent the user experience for screen reader users is.
- Product Design
- UX/UI Design

Test262 Report
Providing JavaScript developers with up-to-date information on the state of new and existing language features across implementations.
- Product Design
- UX/UI Design

The Algorithmic Justice League
Designing a prototype for algorithmic harms reporting with the Algorithmic Justice League and a community of advocacy and legal aid organizations.
- UX/UI Design

Meta + the W3C
ARIA Authoring Practices Guide
Increasing monthly unique visitors from 22,000 to over 230,000 by leading a comprehensive information architecture redesign.
- Information Architecture Design
- UX/UI Design

Beverly-Vermont Community Land Trust
A new home for an organization creating permanent affordable housing for working class communities of color.
- Responsive Web Design
- WordPress Development
- Information Architecture Design

Website redesign and rebranding for Bocoup, a consulting agency partnering with tech companies and nonprofits on projects that promote a more just digital landscape for all users.
- Website Redesign
- Responsive Web Design
Talks & Community

UNISON School of Design and Architecture
Habitat Conference
I had the honor of being invited to speak at Congreso Habitat, an event organized by the students of the School of Design and Architecture at Universidad de Sonora in Mexico. I shared insights from my journey as a Designer in the tech industry, discussing the challenges I’ve encountered along the way.
- Conference Talk

Speaking at The Hackers Club
I was invited to the Hackers Club, an event organized by Dev.f and the Secretary of Economic Development of the state of Sonora in Mexico, where I discussed the importance of Web Accessibility.
- Talk
- Interview
- Accessibility

Open Design Kit
A living collection of guides and best practices to help you to make and design openly. Originally incubated at Bocoup, it became a community-owned project in Summer 2017
Checkout the Project ↗- Design Methodologies